
Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to Meditate

This was instruction that my father sent along in an email, so i can come back to my meditation practice. I hadn't been meditating for the last few months and truth be told I was dreading to sit. Its a simple practice and so powerful yet its so strange that Ive been running away from it, from myself. With these instructions I am going back to to my practice of sitting, everyday. 

I thought it would be great to put up the email pointers as a guide to those seeking to sit and meditate. Here's to your practice:

Here are the steps for Samadhi meditation:

1. First do few stretches if you dint do full or part yoga already.

2.Sit erect in a quiet, cool and dimly lit place and take five deep breaths counting backwards.

3.Relax and let go and loosen up.

4. Say to yourself: “Right now, in this moment, everything is OK. I accept this moment exactly as it is. All is well”.

5. Just BE, in a non doing state. Do not do anything mentally as well as physically. Just be. Since everything is already OK there is no need to do anything.

6. Do not create any thoughts. Just BE.

7. If a thought comes up on its own, do not block it. Do not hold on to it. And Do not be carried away by it.

8. If you find yourself carried away by a thought, just drop it and come back to just be.

9. Be like that for a while (if necessary keep timer for ten of fifteen mins before sitting and BE till then).

10. Take five deep breaths counting forwards and slowly open eyes and rub palm together and rub face and get up.

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  1. Beautiful! I just recently started a daily meditation - again; although this past week I missed several days, and I could feel it internally - something was "off" again. I love that your father sent you this! How wonderful! I also practice allowing everything to be as it is in meditation - not necessarily in my daily life :) But I guess that's part of the point of meditation - to just allow life to be as it is :) And yes, always coming back to just Being - for me it is that inner sense of Presence. I feel this most when I follow the breath... Good luck with your practice :)

    1. Thanks Christine! I oscillate between following the breath and "just being" I find the, this technique that my dad taught me more helpful :-) Thanks for reading.

    2. Oh definitely, "just being." I love that too! Didn't mean to sound like following the breath was better. It's just my way of connecting to that sense of "just being." :)

  2. Just popping in to wave and say hi! I haven't been writing much lately - too many and too much......if you know what I mean! So it was nice to come here and have a little reminder about just sitting and breathing and letting it all be. Take care and Let it Be! love Kate x

    1. Hey Kate! Just yesterday I was reading your blog! Thanks for dropping by, glad you liked the post oxox


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