
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Embracing Womanhood

Its 4:30 in the afternoon now and I have some quiet time in the house, after my morning rituals of cooking, cleaning, yoga and playing with my baby. I sit with myself and this word doc to breathe and smile.  This morning I had woken up to the nippy cool that Hyderabad winters offer. I started the coffee maker after placing this morning’s milk on the double broiler, I then took my cup of hot water, and like I do on most mornings, I sat on my cane swing watching the Hussain Sagar from afar. It’s was beautiful morning and my little one was asleep, as was her father. My moments of silence are truly as pleasurable as my moments of doing.

While being a wife, a mother and a working-woman are all roles I play with relative ease today, it has come after some stretching and tugging at my identity. Now, as I sit, playing with my wet hair and drinking yet another cup of green tea, I smile at the comfort I feel in being at home-literally and figuratively.  I am a wife, a mother, and a working-woman in this place I call home. Actually, I am what they call, a ‘house wife’, a ‘full time mother’ and a ‘working woman’. As I embrace all the stereotypes and identities, I move into another place within myself. I am not sure how to describe it yet, but it feels like immense comfort, like chocolate syrup on warm brownie.

I am surprised at this comfort I feel within my skin. Until five months ago, I was tied in knots about what would happen to my identity, this sense of self that I hold so dear. Five months back, I was not yet a mother. I worried about losing my “work self” I worried about what would become of that person within me that I knew for so many years. What would happen if I stopped working, if I stop moving forward in my career, if I did not get another job where I could shine? What would happen if I just stop studying, working and living as if I just had myself to take care of? What then? I was met with a blaring silence then and it is this blaring silence that I have now embraced.

The silence within reflects in this mindfulness about my day, in not having to rush to work, or to have everything be perfect. The silence around comes from accepting myself and all the roles I play, it comes from accepting my body for its stretch marks, the nourishment it provides for my baby, and for the indications in aches and pains it gives me when forget about myself. The calmness comes in accepting the limitations and strength of others and it comes from asking for help and support. The calmness comes in not wanted to be someone so badly.

I still don’t know how my tomorrow is going to be. I still don’t know what happens to that career woman inside of me, I don’t know how life will unfold, but for now I love sitting at my dining table with my laptop on as I write this. I love getting paid assignments for my writing, I love running to check on my little one in the cradle, I love watching her smile, play and grow and I love dusting the house, thanking my maid and staying home for now.  A few years back, I was afraid of taking a break even though I wanted one. I was afraid I would perish if I took a break to pursue love, mindfulness and comfort. Today, I am afraid no more, because one thing is for sure, life will give you what you want from it, one-step at a time and all you need to do is, settle in to enjoy the right now. 


  1. Well written.I really love it.Very sweet.

  2. You are awesome and I love you so much! :*:*

  3. It is beautiful babe! The serenity that comes through your post is revealing of the state of mind you describe.

    Hope to get there someday too. For the moment still struggling with all I want to be and all I am not being. Sigh! I think I might have a long way to go.

  4. mindful living is a beautiful way to live!

  5. HI Seema, Thanks so much for reading, and for your comment! Glad you liked it :-)

    Hi Nitu, :-) I love you SO much too!!

    Appisa: Glad you love it too. When I was writing this, I was reminded of what you said about Anika making this house a home :-)

    Towards harmony: Hey P, So glad you like it. I think having a baby has made all the difference :-) Life seems far more directed and straightforward.

    Momto8: Hi Momto8! Welcome to my space. Glad for your comment. I totally agree with it too :-)

  6. Isn't mindfulness wonderful? I have found that I am getting more and more comfortable with my "grown woman" self, day bay day. I never thought such peace would come from aging, it's a beautiful thing.

    I'm so glad that I stopped by, I love not only what you wrote, but the energy that I could feel behind the words. Lovely!

  7. Hi Stacey,

    thank you for that lovely comment. I couldn't have said it any better. It is definitely amazing how comfortable and at peace I feel with myself, as I grow. Glad you stopped by Stacey!

  8. i love the way u write its lovely i hapy ur enjoying ur life after all the u too much

  9. Hi Ma!

    I love that you commented. Thanks so much for that! I love that we can share some conversations after i blog each time. :-) You are right, I was SO stressed at one point and this is such a far away place from that :-) ummmah!

  10. wonder of wonders!!! This blog is too special i say :-) Its unique cause it has comments from both alwee and nitu can u believe it? Keep it up re arti you may be slowly making lot of others grow apart from growing yourself !!!

  11. Somehow reading this piece made me feel very uneasy Aarathi. I don't know why. I am not able to trace the source. I am too, always worrying about the future, my identity and I think over the years, I have found a solace in worrying about future and identity. Somehow worrying about these factors makes me feel more connected with these aspects of my life and more in control. And now, I am scared to stop worrying... to let go of the control. You get it right? Hmmm... Scary!

  12. Hi Sinduja, thanks for your wonderful comment. That is an very normal reaction. I think we often think of letting go as giving up, it feels like that from the outside for sure but it is anything but that.

    I think we control so many aspects of our live all the time that we hardly have enough time to sit back and enjoy what we have become or who we are. I think letting go is a process of not micromanaging every aspect of your life, of letting things roll and be who you are despite how life turns out, of course this doesnt mean you dont do what you really want to, or be who you really are.

    I am like you too, comfortable with what is, it takes me a while and a lot of perspective to open up and let go and thats what i write about :-) Hope that makes sense.

  13. Yeah... YEAH.. wow, that was beautiful! Hmmm.. I get it. I don't know if I will act that way when the situation demands it but reading it and connecting with the words is the starting point. Thanks! :) Glad to see insightful counselors. You guys are a boon to the field of psychology.

  14. Glad to make sense :-) I think we all learn letting go in small ways in our everyday lives. Thanks so much for engaging me in this conversation!

  15. hey got ur bloglink thru Ravi..loved ur writing.
    will be coming back to read more at leisure..:-)

  16. Hi Uma,
    Welcome! Cant wait to read some of your comments on my posts too :-)

    Hello NJ housewife: Welcome! Glad you stopped by and liked the post :-)

  17. Very nice post. visiting from Finding New Friends Friday.


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