
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Love notes

There is no greater joy than experiencing love. I have become so busy lately that I find little time for much else than what is to be done in the right now. But love, I have every minute of everyday for it.Today is a special day, so I acknowledge in writing. I am grateful for this love I have in my life. Love for my baby, love for my husband, love for my parents, for Anika's other caregivers and love for work.

love notes: A page from my journal

I feel so overwhelmed as I write this. Let me give you context. I met my husband on this same day, thirteen years ago, and this morning, he had to remind me of it. I have made an annual exercise in forgetting these days but my husband and I know that it is because my hands are full with the colors of our present moment.

As I linger around, trying to generate more material to publish this post, I smile and know that's all I have to say for now. Here's to love in your life. Take a moment, if you will, to acknowledge it in any which way you feel before you move on.

P.S: Happy Independence Day!

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  1. Such a sweet Love Note :) Love is all that is necessary... How easy to forget in a busy world. I am happy for you!

    1. Christine! thanks :-) Yea, its so easy to forget to acknowledge isnt it?

  2. Happy independence [in every sense of the word] day to you, your readers, and to your family. Thanks also for bringing this very important message home on this day through this post. I am off to do what is important.

  3. Double Cheers to you for this Day! It is a small and warm post!

    1. Hi Saru! welcome here! Thanks so much for the wishes :-)

  4. A! Love your blog! Coming here after a while and totally loving all the new stuff you are doing :) Love the interview series and love this beautiful lil post on love.

    You are kicking ass!!

    1. Hi Babe!

      Glad to see you here :-) Thanks babe for the showers of love! muah!

  5. Also loving all the photography and Art! Brilliant stuff!

  6. Sending you a little love note. :) Thank you for coming to and being part of my blog. I am glad to visit here and know more of your story. I will be holding you and your sweet family in my heart.



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