
Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Myth of the Martian

Men are from mars while woman aren't. Always hated that assumption and the need to bring it up every time I talk about why I don't get my man sometimes. At the same time, I totally love my man. But honey, if you're reading this, I m sorry, but you probably also know that it doesn't mean you wont be a complete backside sometimes. I have my reasons to justify this, dear man.

Why do you have to talk about another woman you find pretty? Why do you have to comment on how you think she is the fittest woman you have ever seen? No, I'm not saying I am close to being like her and I do admire that she represents India on the Taekwondo team nationally, internationally or locally...whatever... but you need to tell me how much you admire that, especially after asking me when I would start my gym sessions again!

You are committed to your woman, I give you that. I am happy to hang out with you. There's much pleasure in sitting in your silence, I love that. There's joy in our cuddles and our laughs. All this good stuff reminds me of how much you mean to me. At the same time its hilarious really how often that big feet of yours finds its way with so much ease into that even bigger mouth. And its not a story of one. Women every day find their men doing this one-legged hop when their mouth is busy chewing on the other foot.

If i were to bring your slips of tongue back to the 'Man are Mars' rationale that would only enrage me more and besides, accepting such a thing without reason is not how I'm made my dear. So, I think about it, after all I do have my space to do that sitting miles away from you.
I see that it goes back again to the way you as a man are socialized and how it is very different from the way I am, as a woman. Woman as girls are taught to be like barbie dolls, taught to care for others and be maternal and domestic. We play with dolls while our brothers play with monster trucks. We play with our kitchen sets while you play with building houses, we are the nurses and the teachers while you are the doctor or the principal, in our little make do games that we play together. 'Boys don't cry' while us girls can wallow in self pity or flail our hands and legs about and weep to get what we want. Men have to be macho, cannot express affection at every turn, ride awesome bikes and be the knight in shining armor else your manhood becomes questionable. And all the nay saying about staying committed, I see how that's a survival tool to keep up this machismo facade you have going on. When I say facade though I don't mean to simplify the realness of it. But I think when one becomes aware of the impact of such socialization it becomes impossible to actually stay mad at someone with their feet in their mouth but at the same time it also makes it impossible not to help some one see light in such imposition. These stories of socialization are something we feel in our blood,our psyche and our being and I get that but how difficult is it to recognize the folly of a socialization, apologize and become mindful of it when it is repeated yet again?


  1. hehe! i hope all those pathetic men that we women love read this and learn something!

  2. yaa re nitu babe, i read it and learnt a lot u no :D lets see if i can succeed in remembering it next time when i feel like i need to tell mumsu to be think like aishwarya or someone yaars. reiki me that i succeed k :) and akka u r da neatest re babe!


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